
26 Apr

Next Generation – Expending Our Horizons

Erasmus+ KA1 – Youth mobility

Project reference:
Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel (AT)
9 months (01/01/2018 – 30/09/2018)

The project “Next generation – expending our horizons” wants to create a widespread insight about the program Erasmus+ and the topic youth exchanges for young and curious youth workers. We want to provide our participants with various methods to be well prepared for planning and realizing their own youth exchanges.
Youth work is an important topic for all organization. We try to enhance and develop our actions and methods to fulfill the needs of the youths. Therefore you need a suitable area for the exchange of the project staff to carry on their competences and train new associates.
Our most important goal is to give our participants the space and freedom to practice the newly learned themselves. Learning by doing is going to be an important thing throughout the whole week

The activities reach from the theoretical structure of an youth exchange, outdoor education, first-aid training, how to workshop, opportunity of participation for youths, night games and there also will be a “Self-organized-day” at which the whole day will be planned of small groups, executed and reflected afterwards.

32 Youth Workers

2+2 Asociacion (ES)
Stowarzyszenie Oswiatowe “Sowa” (PL)
Asociatia Yellow Shirts (RO)
Bedekovcanska Udruga Mladih (HR)
Achaiko Instituto Ekpedefsis Enilikon (EL)
Vsl Inceptus (LI)

26 Apr


“A summer Academy about Solidarity and democracy”

Erasmus+ KA1 – Youth mobility

Project reference:
Lead partner:
Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel (AT)
9 months (01/05/2017 – 31/01/2018)

56 Young people including the leaders from nine different European countries met in the Mühl-fun-viertel in Upper Austria’s Klaffer from 19.08.-02.09.2017 to work together with the means of aesthetic research on the important European issues of democracy and solidarity. After an introduction to the topic as well as the methods of aesthetic research, the participants worked in three different groups on the topic with means of the performing arts, the visual art and the sculptural art.

The aesthetic research was divided into three stages: 1) collecting questions, 2) working on the questions and 3) presenting the findings. In the theatrical working group of the performing arts scenes were mainly developed on the subject, which were finally put together to an overall performance. This was the presentation of the collection of basic ideas on solidarity and democracy. The group of visual-visual arts works with the stylistic devices of shadow theater and photography on the subject matter, and the group of sculptural art develops a letter installation on the topic, as well as living human sculptures. All these presentations of the findings from the work with the topics were presented to the overall plenum on the final performance day and offered for reflection and discussion.
Every single day started with a group-building warm-up and ended with a shared reflection on the day’s events. In addition, a reflection meeting was held daily with the heads of the delegations to explore the mood and learning progress of each group and to ensure that problems that arose were resolved quickly and efficiently.

48 young people
8 Youth Workers (group leaders)

Welcome Aps (IT)
Achaiko Instituto Ekpedefsis Enilikon (EL)
Association Départementale les Francas (FR)
Hayat Sahnesi Dernegi (TU)
Associacao Check-In – Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento (PT)
National non-Governmental Youth Organization Civil Forum (BY)
Non-Formal Learning Club “We” (LI)
Diabetes, Prediabetes And Metabolic Syndrom (BG)

26 Apr


Arts for Peace and Solidarity

Erasmus+ KA1 – Youth mobility

Project reference:
Lead partner:
Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel (AT)
10 months (01/01/2019 – 31/10/2019)

Artistic work in the defendence and maintenance of peace and solidarity has been the central concern of this seminar. Especially the methods of aesthetic research and its practice in the field of peace-pedagogic and solidarity have been in the focus of this intense week with participants from different European regions. Peacekeeping and solidarity are central concerns of Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel. To pass over the knowledge about these topics is one of their most important aims. Artistic methods and the methodic concept of the aesthetic research suit in a very good way to these purposes, as it became visible within this seminar.

Experiments and research-work by means of photography, installations and performance-art. To make the program perfect, we had an excursion to the Memorial of Hartheim and to Lentos arts-museum in Linz. During the time of stay in Linz we had micro-performances in the streets of Linz for to collect practical experiences about the topics of the seminar. The participants learned about the theoretical and practical fundamentals of various artistic technics, especially photography, performance-art, theatre and installation. Inputs of theory offered the necessary background knowledge, practical exercises assured the abilities of utilization. Presentations in the end of the seminar of self- conceptualized and applied artistic productions have shown the amazing variety of the learned contents of this seminar.

20 Youth Workers.

Arteam (BG)
Urbana Mladez (HR)
Non-Formal Learning Club “We” (LI)
Associacao Check-in – Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento (PT)
Word Up (NL)
Asociatia Pas Alternativ (RO)
Welcome Aps (IT)

26 Apr


YE Human Rights Club

Erasmus+ KA1 – Youth mobility

Project reference:
Lead partner:
Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel (AT)
12 months  (01/05/2018 – 30/04/2019)

The human rights club – with this topic we succeeded to encourage young people of different heritage, social backgrounds political and sexual orientation to exchange experiences, take other points of view and making a further step towards the creation and awareness of human rights. We edited our topic through research and multimedia-groups as well as various non formal methods.

8 different countries with 6 youths each guided by a teamer exchanged their thoughts and ideas for 2 weeks. One participant from each delegation should have participated as a trainee and their goal was to design a schedule for the whole day. With the support of the teamers they planned and guided workshops for a whole day. They had the chance to try new methods, create new ideas and step out of their comfort zone.
Main goal at this youth exchange was to deal with the education of human rights. We cared about the youths to stand up for themselves and provided them with methods and tools to state their opinions more efficiently and versatile.

The activities reached from different media groups (Picture/video, social media, acting, print), outdoor methods, team building activities, warm-ups, reflection rounds, a cultural day to a soon to be teamer day

48 teenagers
8 Youth Workers (group leaders)

Achaiko Instituto Ekpedefsis Enilikon (EL)
Stowarzyszenie Oswiatowe “Sowa” (PL)
Europski Put
County Limerick Youth Theatre (IE)
Diabetes, prediabetes and metabolic syndrome (BG)
Non-formal learning club “WE” (LI)

26 Apr


Let’s talk about it: Sexuality, Gender & Culture

Erasmus+ KA1 – Youth mobility

Project reference:
Lead partner:
Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel (AT)
11 months (01/08/2018 al 30/06/2019)

From 2nd to 10th of November 2018 the seminar “Sexuality, Gender and Culture” was conducted in Mühlfunviertel in Klaffer/Hochficht. Participants from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Turkey and Austria have examined this topic and worked on it both from a theoretical side and by means of aesthetic research too. The participants hade very different backgrounds and so a very heterogenous group was formed – for the benefit of a deep discussion. The differences of context made it possible, that the topic has been locked at from various points of view, which was an enrichment for the discussions.

In detail the following themes have been worked on:
– the medical/biological basics of sexing, intersexuality and transgender, sexual identiy;
– the influence of cultures and of milieus on the concept of gender, the construction of the differentiation of masculine and feminine;
– stereotypes about genders and prejudices, hetero-, homo- and bisexuality;
– sexual harassment in daily life (“catcalling”), sexual motivated violence;
– different forms of feminism and men’s issues.

The topics have been worked in small-groups as well as in the whole group. Within the whole group there have been the theoretical inputs and the summaries of the outcomes of the work within the small-groups. Work within the small-groups aimed on the more detailed work on the topics, on the reflection about daily-life issues and about self-reflection regarding the topics.
The aesthetic exploration and research-work has been one of the most important issues. For that, practical artistic inputs have been provided, so that the methods could have been executed successfully. The daily topics have been explored by using the different kinds of artistic work. The results have been presented by performances and exhibitions. Theatre, poetry slam, photography and installations have been done, for to come closer to the topics with regards to contents, to emotions and by reflection.
Every single day was started by group-dynamics exercises, for to build up a good working-atmosphere, that especially has been needed for to work on these very personal themes. The closing of the day always was done within reflection- and feedbackgroups, who reflected the work, that has been done every day. The summaries have been provided to the whole group.

24 Youth Workers

Guc Kosullardaki Bireyleri Destekleme Dernegi (TU)
Joetz Vzw (PL)
Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia Kentro Neon Ipeirou (EL)
Fundacja Dobra Wola (PL)
Associacao Check-In – Cooperacao E Desenvolvimento (PT)
2+2 Asociacion (ES)
Welcome Aps (IT)
Asociacija “Jaunimo laisvalaikis” (LT)

26 Apr

The VET-BUSiness Alliance to systemise WBL experiences in the manufacturing sector of the Marche Region

ERASMUS+ KA3 – VET-Business Partnerships on Work-based learning and Apprenticeships

Project reference:
Lead Partner:
IAL Marche Srl
24 MONTHS (01/11/2017 – 31/10/2019)

In 2015 Italy reformed the legal framework of its national dual-VET and apprenticeship system to bridge the gap between the world of education and the labour market needs. However, implementing the new dual system at local level were problematic despite of an active engagement of VET institutions and business organisations. In effect, in the Marche regional territory, the introduction of this newly reformed system were not delivering effective outputs in terms of offering very attractive work-based learning programmes for local apprentices and in terms of delivering effective VET learning outcomes matching with the professional skills required by the business actors.

To face this problem VETBUS project sought to establish a local VET-business alliance aiming at A) Better matching VET schools curricula with the specific professional skills required by the local manufacturing sector; B) Actively involving local manufacturing companies in the process; C) Raising the quality excellence and attractiveness of the VET WBL programmes in Marche Region context.

Partners firstly carried out an internal capacity building programme to share good practices and learn from the German Dual VET well-established models. Then, project partners and social parties belonging to associated partners established the VETBUS Alliance at local level and they carried out a skills need assessment on the regional manufacturing sector (to better identify which are the most requested competences of the Mechanical Operator professional profile) and then they delivered a set of operative tools for the elaboration of qualified VET curricula (according EQF and ECVET systems). An operative working group, made up of VET and Business experts, was set up in the framework of the VETBUS Alliance, to systemise its operative methodology, to design an updated pilot WBL path for the Mechanical Operator curriculum and to develop a Vademecum for private companies willing to host students and apprentices during their Work Based Learning experiences. Finally, the pilot “Mechanical Operator” WBL programme was further tested by a sample of 20 students and it was further evaluated and officially validated by the Regional Local Authority in charge of recognise competences achieved through VET paths.

VET schools/providers and business companies involved in the implementation of the dual-VET system in the Marche Region

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH (DE)
Regione Marche
Camera di Commercio delle Marche
iGuzzini illuminazione Spa

Associazione Industriali della Provincia di Ancona
Unione Sindacale Regionale Cisl Marche
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Corridoni”
Confindustria Macerata
