Project reference:
Lead partner:
24 months  (01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020)

The EU Directive 2012/29 of the European Parliament reaffirms the principle that “a crime is not only a wrong to society, but also a violation of the individual rights of victims”. Restorative justice starts from the assumption that the crime generates a conflict that causes the breaking of symbolically shared social expectations. The crime becomes an offense that does not only affect those who committed it and those who sanction it with the sentence, but who has suffered the wrong and the laceration: the victim and society. With both, the fractures must be repaired, not so much with monetary compensations, but with positive actions. Fundamentals of restorative justice are: the responsibility of the offender to whom a proactive attitude is required, the recognition of the victim whose suffering must be repaired, the involvement of the community in the process of reparation of the damage.

Thus, KINTSUGI general objective seeks at fostering social inclusion of people subjected to alternative measures to detention for crimes of through the implementation of restorative practices paths. In doing this, the project intends to improve the skills and competences of the trainers/operators of the organizations cooperating in “probation measures through works of public utility” and in other measures alternative to detention. The aim is to facilitate the implementation of restorative justice paths, spreading the meaning of reparation and promoting the assumption of responsible attitudes towards victims, society and community rules.

The working methodology schedules two project phases one for preparation of and one for implementation. Thus, firstly, project partners will have the opportunity to share European restorative justice practices, to capitalize working methods and to develop a joint training program for staff.

Then, participants will be selected and they will participate in the 90-hours joint training program taking place through weekly sessions in Northern Ireland, Italy and Belgium. Throughout the whole KINTSUGI life cycle, partners will be able to systematize links and build relationships, in order to create a real European

30 participants coming from staff of the partners’ organisations and selected among social workers, trainers and offender’s tutors, mediators specialized in the victim-offender relationship and/or in family mediation and community conflicts.

Associazione Spondé ONLUS (IT)
European Forum for Restorative Justice (BE)
Ulster University (UK)
“MEDIANTE” Agency for criminal mediation (BE)
“ARPEGE” Agency for Restorative practices (BE)

Direzione Generale per l’Esecuzione Penale Esterna e la Messa alla Prova – Dipartimento Giustizia Minorile e della Comunità (Ufficio esecuzione penale di Pisa) (IT)
Dipartimento Amministrazione Penitenziaria – Direzione Generale della Formazione (IT)
Caritas Diocesana di Pisa (IT)
“Arnera” Società Cooperativa Onlus (IT)
Associazione “Controluce” (IT)
Associazione “Ora Legale” Onlus (IT)