We promote the human capital,
being the true driver of social change,
through mobility in Europe.
We believe in active participation
That’s why we support the
European citizenship idea.
Participatory Project Design
Starting from the draft project idea, we develop participatory processes to accompany our partners from the concept design to the application itself, building together all the proposals that we apply for European, national and regional funding programmes.
Project Management
We manage activities implementation and costs reporting for all the projects in which we participate as leader or partner.
We are an official Training Provider recognised by the Marche regional Authority and we are expert in the design and planning of ESF funded European training projects.
Awareness Raising
We support active citizenship, which is why we promote the knowledge of European policies and facilitate access to information regarding all major funding programmes through online events and campaigns.
Erasmus+, Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, Urban Innovative Actions.
European Territorial Cooperation programs: Italy-Croatia, Interreg Med, Interreg Adrion. We work with the National Operational Program for Education and with the FSE and FERS Regional Operational Programs of Marche Region.
We are part of EPALE, the community for adult education funded by the Erasmus+ program.
Social News
Design is sharing
Do you have a project idea but you don’t know how to develop it? Come and talk to us, together we can give life to a participatory proposal.
- 0731 712890