
ShapEU – Shaping new professional skills for innovative jobs in Europe 4.0

ERASMUS+ KA1 – VET learner and staff mobility

Project Reference:
Lead Partner:
Liceo Classico Statale “V. Emanuele II” Jesi
18 months (01/09/2018  – 29/02/2020)

ShapEU aims to support relations and mutual cooperation between the world of education and training and the labour market, seizing the opportunities offered by digital evolution and by Industry 4.0 , a process that represents a great opportunity to re-launch the productivity and competitiveness of the Marche Region.

The expected results, in line with the needs and objectives identified, include:
– the enhancement of technical and professional skills of the participants and the improvement of their professional curriculum;
– the development and enhancement of IT and digital skills as a strategic asset to seize the opportunities of Industry 4.0;
– the implementation of high quality mobility experiences, that can be valuable in the social, cultural and professional context;
– an increase in competitiveness, necessary to face the working environment of innovative jobs that are created to address social challenges.

Depending on the area of their studies, the beneficiaries, will be able to carry out a four-week internship in Industry 4.0 and, in particular, in the three macro-areas that are recording a steady increase in employment: administration and marketing; design, automatic production and logistics; information systems.
The training experience will last four weeks (to take place between May and October 2019) and will be carried out with on-the-job training and through the completion of tasks relating to the relevant professional profiles. The companies that will host the participants are located in France, Germany, Ireland, England, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria.

5 ERASMUSPRO Mobility, intended for young graduates in Industrial Automation who will have the opportunity to carry out a six-month internship in Germany, the country that first launched the Industry 4.0 model as an integral part of its strategic development policy.
For the teachers, the experience of training abroad is extremely relevant to ensure the institutions involved and the territory, in general, with qualified and competent professionals in the field of internationalization processes and in the design of school-internship programs, consistent with the issues of Industry 4.0.

120 VET students, of which at least three with special educational needs, attending year IV and V (last and penultimate year) of secondary schools in the Province of Ancona. The project offers these students the opportunity to carry out a four-week professional training courses in European companies that can be classified in the sectors of Industry 4.0.

The proposal is therefore clearly consistent with the main initiatives of the recent “National Industry 4.0 Plan” and with the strategy of the Marche Region “Manifattura e Lavoro 4.0” which underline the need to plan innovative paths aimed at developing and spreading the culture and the skills I4.0 through the Schools’ Work Experience Program (Alternanza Scuola Lavoro).
10 mobility grants for members of staff, to be assigned to the coordinators of the Schools’ Work Experience Program (Alternanaza Scuola-Lavoro) of each institute that is a member of the Consortium

IIS Marconi – Pieralisi di Jesi
Liceo Statale “Enrico Medi” di Senigallia
Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale e Per Geometri “Enzo Ferruccio Corinaldesi” di Senigallia
Liceo Scientifico Vito Volterra di Fabriano
IIS Laeng Meucci di Osimo-Castelfidardo Osimo
IIS Cuppari – Salvati di Jesi
Liceo Scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci” di Jesi)
Liceo Classico “F. Stelluti” di Fabriano
OPERAM Coop. Soc.
AEA s.r.l.
IAL Marche
Camera di Commercio di ANCONA

Training Vision Ltd (UK)
Berlink ETN Gmbh (DE)
Tribeka Training Lab S.L. (ES)
ETN Bulgaria Gateway (BG)
Language Solution (UK)
Cap Ulysse (FR)
Zavod Znanje Knowledge Centre (SI)
Incoma (ES)
ETN Traning Vision Ireland (IE)
Lingua-Var (UK)
The Training Partnership Ltd (UK)