Project Reference:
Lead Partner:
Agency For Entrepreneurial Training – Syntra Flanders
24 months (01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019)

A first objective of the project was to promote the attractiveness of dual learning by offering international work experiences to young dual learners. It is too early to get a clear picture of the results of this objective, yet a number of conclusions can already be drawn. For instance, the vast majority of the participants indicated in their internship report a high level of satisfaction with the experience and also carried this out through his or her ambassadeursrol. A second objective was to increase the employment opportunities of the participants through strengthened technical and personal competences and a possible seed of their own international network. For the dual learners who participated in an internship in a foreign-language country, the development of language competences was also an objective.

The third objective was to raise awareness of added value of internationalization, not only to the participants themselves, but also to their classroom and school peers, and ultimately to the teachers and the school management as well.The fourth objective was to formulate policy recommendations for the further stimulation of international mobility in the dual learning system, partly based on the documented added value for the participants and a report of their experiences. The policy recommendations were drawn up by the Flemish Consortium in the spring of 2019. They were reviewed by our stakeholders, including representatives of the Flemish Erasmus+ National Agency EPOS and the European Commission, at an event on 24 May in the Brussels office of VLEVA, and were proposed to the Flemish Partnership for Dual Learning in October 2019. See also, and for other dissemination forums.

The target group of the project consisted of Flemish dual learners in either the DBSO system, the apprenticeship system or the new dual learning system. The participants concluded one of the following types of agreements:
1) The internship contract for alternating training (SAO): 15 participants
2) The contract-related training (OAO) or the part-time employment contract (DA), or an agreement which is still in force (e.g. learning agreement) and completed under former regulations concerning learning and working (ILW): 76 participants
3) Or they were work-seekers from one of the aforementioned training systems: 5 participants

200 Flemish apprentices in dual Learning paths

Berufsbildende Schule Westerburg (DE)
Chambre Regionale de Metiers et de l’Artisanat Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR)
Stichting Wellant (NL)
Chambre Regionale de Metiers et de l’Aartisanat Auvergne Rhone Alpes (FR)
Cantraybridge Limited (UK)
North Shropshire College (UK)
Welcome Aps (IT)
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Aventus (NL)
Stichting Interconfessioneel Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie Regio Amersfoort (NL)
Cmai Nord-Pas de Calais (FR)
Handwerkskammer Dresden (DE)
Handwerkskammer Lübeck (DE)
Klara Oppenheimer Schule Würzburg (DE)
Stichting Roc West-Brabant (NL)